Deprecated Features in UVM 1.2

There are many features which are deprecated in latest UVM 1.2 standard. If you’re switching to use UVM 1.2 in your projects, its a MUST not to use following methods, variables, macros & parameters in your code & update your UVM 1.1/UVM 1.0 code to comply with the new UVM 1.2 standards.

In the same direction, I thought, it will be helpful to list down the primary deprecated features in UVM 1.2 to get a quick look:


  1. set_config_int
  2. set_config_string
  3. set_config_object
  4. get_config_int
  5. get_config_string
  6. get_config_object
  7. uvm_component::status
  8. uvm_component::kill
  9. uvm_component::do_kill_all
  10. uvm_component::stop_phase
  11. stop_request
  12. global_stop_request
  13. set_global_timeout
  14. stop_timeout
  15. set_global_stop_timeout
  16. uvm_sequencer_base::add_sequence
  17. uvm_sequencer_base::get_seq_kind
  18. uvm_sequencer_base::get_sequence


  1. uvm_test_done
  2. enable_stop_interrupt


  1. `uvm_sequence_utils
  2. `uvm_declare_sequence_lib
  3. `uvm_update_sequence_lib

Configurable Database Parameters:

  1. default_sequence
  2. count
  3. max_random_count
  4. max_random_depth

Thank you for your time to go through this post!

